Happy 2024!
We are a month into the new year, and I know many people are jumping into new diets, starting a health journey, or looking for ways to lose weight as part of their New Years "resolutions." To be honest, I've never been into setting resolutions for the new year... and every time I did, I pretty much forgot about them or gave up on them within a week or so.
BUT - this is not to say that I am against resolutions. I am not! I think that they can be a great motivator for people to set some health related goals. I think that anything that makes someone reflect on their health habits and focus on specific ways to make improvements is a great thing.
I think the downfall of many resolutions is that they are often unrealistic, or do not come with a plan on how to achieve the goals that are set (these were my downfalls). So my advice on setting a resolutions is to 1 - make it realistic, 2 - make a plan on how to achieve it, and 3 - check in on your progress frequently.
This year, I decided to assess my current habits and focus on some changes for the new year. I generally have a healthy lifestyle, but there are three wellness goals I am focusing on tis year:
1 - Drink more water
I am a great water drinker in the Summer/Spring/Fall... but in the Winter, not so much. I am setting a goal of a gallon (128oz) per day. I have a 30oz water bottle, and I am aiming to drink four full bottles per day! Tip - get a water bottle with a straw, it makes drinking water much easier! I also sometimes add flavor drops like Mio just to make it a little tastier.
2 - Eat more fiber
I did a big grocery haul and stocked up on some high fiber favorites. I have been prioritizing more fruits and vegetables daily. I also have added beans into my rotation more frequently - I made a new 15-bean soup recipe (might share soon!) and have been adding beans into my salads as well. I've also been focusing on more whole grains, and have been eating oatmeal almost daily (which I bump up with more fiber by adding chia and berries).
3 - Move more
In Winter, I am MUCH more sedentary than the rest of the year. Between the sun setting by 4/5pm, and it being super cold outside, my daily walks outside are difficult to get in. So, my step count really lacks. And when I'm less active, I notice my energy and mood levels start to dwindle. So - I am making an effort to increase my steps - I am aiming for 7-10k per day. I have been making an effort to get up from my desk more at work, and also am incorporating walks on the treadmill while I watch my shows at night.
All three of my goals are health focused, not necessarily aesthetically focused. This is a personal preference - but I find that setting aesthetic goals can lead to some behaviors that are not necessarily health focused. Also - notice that none of my resolutions focus what I should not do/have. Some people focus on food groups to cut out, or calorie limits to meet... I am focusing on what I can do MORE of to improve my health and wellness. This would be what I'd recommend for others to do as well when setting goals. And it is a much happier way to live when you focus on what you can do/have, rather than focusing on what is restricted.